The Spirit of Cretan Waves: Manolis Lidakis - Μανώλης Λιδάκης

An unofficial blog about the famous and marvellous Greek artist Manolis Lidakis. His albums, lyrics of his songs, latest news and his interviews will be here.

All about him, all from the eye of a little lost wave.

he is well!

Finally, the news that the fans of Manolis Lidakis want to hear has arrived. He is well, according to's report, and has been back from hospital to stages again. The premiere in "Kyttaro" will take place this Friday night, and his performances will hopefully go on with great success. I wish that his health will always be good enough to pursue his art as joyfully and rewarding as he can. And may he feel more and more wonderful by each passing day.

For the report of the magazine, please click here.

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